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Immuno-3 Plus Capsule

കേന്ദ്ര ആയുഷ് മന്ത്രാലയംAYUSH പ്രീമിയം അംഗീകാരം നൽകിയ IMMUNO-3 PLUS CAPSULE ഉദരസംബന്ധമായ പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ,ഗ്യാസ്ട്രബിൾ,അസിഡിറ്റി,പുളിച്ചുതികട്ടൽ,
ദഹനക്കുറവ്,ചെറിയ വയറുവേദനകൾ,തുടങ്ങിയ പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾക്കും,കുടലിന്‍റെ പ്രവര്‍ത്തനങ്ങള്‍ സുഖമമാക്കുന്നതിനും ,കൂടാതെ കാഴ്ച ശക്തി കൂട്ടുന്നതിനും,ത്വക്കിനെ സംരക്ഷിക്കുന്നതിനും അത്യുത്തമം.

പ്രധാന ചേരുവകൾ : നെല്ലിക്ക,താന്നി,കടുക്ക,ഇരട്ടിമധുരം 

1 ക്യാപ്സ്യൂൾ വീതം 2 നേരം ഭക്ഷണത്തിനു ശേഷം.

Elements Immuno-3 Plus 60 Capsule

Rightly called as Nitya Rasayana (Daily Rejuvenator), Elements Immuno-3 Plus is specially triturated with Triphala quath to provide extra potency and anti-oxidant availability. This special process not only enriches but fortifies the product multi fold. Regular consumption of this unique formula will give multiple benefits like strengthening of digestive system, building resistance to common ailments, management of eye health as well as promotion of skin health.


  • All Products of Elements Wellness are 100 %Vegetarian
  • All these products are Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines
  • Elements Wellness products are made from 100 % Natural Actives and do not contain any harmful chemicals
  • All products have been tested for freedom from presence of heavy metals and microbiological content
  • All raw materials in our products conform to API/In-House specifications
  • Many of the herbs used in these products have strong scientific validation through published studies
  • Our products are all safe to use; however in the rare event of any problem due to individual sensitivities/allergies after usage please discontinue and consult with Physician
  • Unless otherwise specified, these products may be consumed immediately after a meal
  • If you are using other drugs for the same ailment, it is best to leave a gap of 2 hours between these products and your regular medication
  • All products herein have been awarded the Ayush Premium Mark given by Quality Council of India
  • Please use regularly as advised to get best results
  • Please consult a Physician as required before use of these products


KEY INGREDIENTSAmla, Baheda, Haritaki, Mulethi
BENEFITSBowel movement regulator, Rasayana and anti-oxidant, promotes skin and eye health with regular usage
FOR WHOMGeneral problems of stomach (gas, acidity, indigestion, pain) and problems with eyes/vision.
WHAT AGE15 Years +
HOW MUCH1 capsule twice daily or as directed by Physician
WHENMorning and Evening 2 hours before bedtime. DO NOT TAKE ON EMPTY STOMACH.

കൂടുതൽ അറിയുവാനും മറ്റു WELLNESS ഉൽപ്പന്നങ്ങൾക്കും ബന്ധപ്പെടാം...

📞 +91 9847963429


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